Well, I had some problems upgrading one of the two HD's on my MKii and just wanted to see if anyone can help me solve it. I read the guide on riocar.org completely before starting and while doing it.

I pulled out the two existing drives. Put the one new one in with the jumper OFF. Then I ran the upgrade utility to install The car2-builder image. when that was running I was supposed to wait until some crucial moment and then start up Hyperterminal..but I wasn't sure if I missed the moment or what..when I tried to start hyperterminal, it was just a blank screen. I recycled the power on the Empeg and it booted up, but it spit out a bunch of errors about not finding right filesystem, etc..and then went immediately into the stress test which has been running for the past hour. It never actually reformated the drive.

When I tried to put the developer 2.0 image back on and boot that, there are many errors in the hyperterminal screen and basically says it can't find ext2 filesystems. I have no idea what happened or what I can do to get this drive ready for use. Can anyone help? It sorta seems like the drive was never formatted. It was previous a Windows XP disc in a laptop.


Edited by dewdman42 (21/10/2005 08:12)