Song on iTunes - $0.99
Song value according to RIAA - $75.00
RIAA being counter sued for incompetence using privacy-violating "laws", which is publicized by Internet news outlets, and ultimately leads to official decrease in RIAA extortion power - priceless

Perhaps she can publicize her wrongful harassment far and wide, drawing much-needed attention to the RIAA beast. A few hundred forum / blog / newsgroup posts, and e-mails aught to have her case noticed by the Internet-at-large. Hopefully, followed on by publicity in the papers, outcry by the citizens, financial threat poised to the entertainment industry, which FINALLY forces the government to restrict the RIAA power. Hey, every revolution has to start somewhere. All empires fall, as will theirs.

Whether they can "win" is not the issue

...whether their lawyer is crooked enough, can preform a good enough song and danc, has enough connections, and, true, is paid enough; is.
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