Note that no one has actually been indicted for the leaking itself. Only for obstruction of justice, perjury and the like.

Yeah, that stuff...obstruction of justice...perjury...hardly matters does it??

Basically a lamb has been sacrificed. Not that Scotter is much of a lamb. Who knows maybe he did it and this is the deal that was worked out.

If you think this "Scooter" was a lamb, I have to believe that you are maybe one of the people that keeps taking left turns in front of oncoming traffic. I have had a number of people do that lately in front of me. Some of them were busy talking on cell phones while they whipped their SUVs in front of me. I haven't been entirely sure what to make of them. For lack of a better term, I have decided to call them "optimists".

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.