It's really time someone sat down and had an honest discussion about the issues

Bitt, thank you for an excellent post.

FWIW, my attitude toward music piracy has changed dramatically in the past few years.

I used to be resolutely, nay, rabidly against downloading or otherwise acquiring music without payment (just do a search for my posts with key word piracy) but since the RIAA began their draconian and tyrannical persecutions, since Sony began installing rootkit viruses on my computer, since I am now being treated as a thief when I buy CDs and DVDs (with DRM and mandatory warnings)... I say FSCK them!

Probably by now 5-10% of the 2000 or so hours of audio in my empeg is not legitimately acquired.

I still sleep well at night.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"