So I’m supposed to be maintaining an application- only problem is that the source and executable don't match- the source we do have (created over a year ago by a previous developer) doesn't work properly. Even worse than all this is that the documentation is sketchy and there are no regression tests to determine what functionality may have changed between the source code we have and the executable. The developers apparently used version control, but the source I'm using has a lable telling me it's the version in production- it isn't though. Cool hunh?

I already tried decompiling the two executables (the one in production and the one I can generate with the source I have) but there are simply too many differences for me to catch them all in assembler and translate that back into code. I guess the plan is to spend a couple months doing full regression testing (creating the scripts as we go) to figure out how the application is broken. I just hope I’m not the one who’s tapped to do this testing. Any suggestions?
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.