- What makes their god less valid?
Depends on what you mean by "less valid". Legally they are free to persue their beleifs, whatever you or I think. In that case their beliefs are as equally valid as anyone else's. From a personal perspective, we each have to make decisions about what we think is valid. It is certainly reasonable for me to find their views and actions invalid, and it is reasonable for you to asses my view and theirs as equally invalid, if that is what you believe.
Of course, if they claim to be a church goverened by the Bible then there is that rule by which you can determine their validity, especially if you believe that the Bible is the "word of God" (I do, and of course you do not). It is meaningless for me to try and argue to you why their beliefs are inconsistent with our scriptures, but certainly any Bible believing church is going to take issue with their actions and beliefs. As previously stated, they twist a few scriptures to make their points, and from a standpoint of orthodox Christianity, this is invalid, especially since it doesn't line up with the most central theme of the Bible regarding forgiveness by grace and not works.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.