Quote: Do I have a proof there isn't a monster under my bed? I don't, and neither do you, but I will bet you €20 that there isn't. Just a sec.... I looked: now I have a proof, there isn't. I won.
That is something that can be tested. It can be proved or disproved. You can´t do either regarding the existance of God.
Quote: There are infinitely ... more things that don't exist than those that do. So, for any given apparently non-existing thing (that is, one that gives not a clue of its existence, and not even circumstantial evidence hints ...) it is very practical ... that it actually does not exist.
You´re using fuzzy math. You´re basically saying that if a branch falls in the woods and nobody is there to witness it and there is no evidence of it ever happening, then it doesn´t exist.
Besides, if you took a worldwide poll asking people if they believe in some sort of higher being, the result would be overwhelmingly in favor of it. I would say that counts as a "clue of its exitence".
Quote: There is infinity of possible gods ... they are mutualy exclusive ... probability for any given particular god to be the one is approaching zero. Therefore, I assume it is zero.
There is an infinite number of outcomes for what will happen tomorrow on planet Earth. The probability of any given outcome actually occuring is also approaching zero. If you assume that it is zero, then that means no outcome for tomorrow exists, and sometime between now and tomorrow will be the end of the world. Assumptions make bad logic.
By the way, what are the odds of life forming and evolving on Earth after the Big Bang? Pretty close to zero I imagine.
Besides, the point of the possibility of God existing is that this higher being doesn´t play by the same rules as we do. Therefore you can´t use things like science, math, and human logic to describe, find, prove/disprove, or figure out God.
Imagine a stick figure that lives in a two-dimensional world trying to imagine three-dimensional space. It´s impossible. He can write theories about it and draw reflections of 3d cubes in 2d space, but he´ll never experience it.
Imagine how small a one-cell organism is and how small its comprehension is of its surroundings. Now think about how incredibly brilliant a dog is in comparison. Yet, a dog will never figure out things like atomic reactions, internal combustion engines, computer systems, or perhaps sometimes even simple stuff like levers, pulleys, and ball-fetching.
If dogs were at the top of the food chain, they´d be pretty cocky, too. Cause that´s what we are. Just cocky, arrogant, little humans, who think they know, or will eventually know, fuck-all about the universe and their existence. We understand concepts that a dog would never dream of, and dogs understand things that are impossible for single-celled organisms to comprehend. Imagine how we would appear to something many times smarter than we are. If there is a God that is infinitely more knowing than we are, what makes you think you´re capable of understanding his existence?
We´re just a tiny little speck on a planet, that occupies a miniscule speck in a solar system, that is an astronimically small speck in the universe. And we think we know every damned thing there is to know because we have a fancy telescope that sees pretty faraway colors. If fish could build periscopes they still wouldn´t know much about us.
And every single day that we humans collectively learn something new, the people that lived before us appear to have been more and more dumb. People from 1,000 years ago were simple minded, and those from 10,000 years ago even moreso. If you want to find out how little you know, take a time machine 300 years into the future.
A caveman would´ve been laughed at if he described his idea to build a computing machine, but here we are 10,000 years later and it sure as hell is possible. The laughing cavemen just had a closed mind and couldn´t believe that something far beyond their wildest dreams had the capability of existing.
Assuming that God doesn´t exist is just having a closed mind.