Definitely, Jon!
My GF and I rode the western 1/2 of that Hwy 36 route last May. We got a seat made for her bike in Redding by Rick Mayer (she rode the GS
once and that settled it). We took 299 W from Redding and then turned on to the county road leading to 35 around Lewiston.
We found a bunch of those roads by looking for the squiggly light-grey roads on our maps! Best riding ever.
A few years ago I had my seat made by Rick on the way to Alaska. A friend of mine was suddenly available for a couple of weeks to join me, so we met in Visalia, CA (a bit of a detour on the way to AK). Anyhow, we rode up through Yosemite and Sequoia. Somewhere in that area, I *think* in Mariposa County but I can remember exactly, we found a whole bunch of those 1 lane paved rural roads in the foothills. It was nuts. I have wanted to find that place again ever since, but I haven't been able to

. Since then, I've started keeping records of the great riding areas I find.
Hope to see you soon in CA!