I'm not a smoker and I hate being around smoke.

However, I think this is bull. People should be allowed to do what they want unless I'm in a place where I can't escape it (airplanes, movie theaters, etc). I support bars that voluntarily are smoke free, but they often don't do well in the Detroit area. That probably says something about the demand for such a thing.

If the decision is made by a property or business owner, I support it. But I don't support actions like this by government. This is an actual, not conceptual, civil rights issue that directly effects millions of people daily in their lives but other than libertarians, I never hear a peep from "civil liberties" activists about this.

The one exception I'd support (at first glance anyway) is banning smoking around children. I get so pissed when I see a mother smoking in a car with the windows up while she has two kids in the back. But I imagine enforcement would be impossible and where would government draw the line? Would speeding then be child endangerment too?

Is this stuff ever put up to a vote?

Oh well, I guess there is nothing I can do about it. I just hope they don't come after whiskey and vodka drinkers.
Brad B.