Around Dec 30th or so, I cut myself pretty bad with my pocket knife. The cut is on my hand right below my index finger. It starts at the top of the hand and wraps around to the bottom. I got 8 stitches immediately.

The stitches were supposed to come out this past tuesday, but the cut wasn't healing toward the top of my hand because I kept moving my index finger. The stitches finally came out today, but I still have a flap of skin not healed on the top of my hand. The doctor put 3M steri-strips on it to keep it closed. Those are supposed to come of on their own after a few days.

Once they come off, and I'm still not healing, is there anything that can promote the healing? I was thinking of getting some of that New-Skin stuff. Does that stuff work? Is there anything better?

I know I should just keep my finger still, but even when I put it in a splint it was still moving enough to open the wound.
-Rob Riccardelli
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