If the medical staff weren't too concerned I'd say just be patient.

I didn't go to my regular doctor because it would have been too far of a drive. I also didn't go to the emergency room because I would have been waiting around for over an hour. I just walked into a doctor's office down the street and paid cash. He seems like a nice guy, but getting any sort of info or hints out of him is like pulling teeth. He didn't tell me to get a finger splint. Then, when I asked about one, he didn't seem to indicate if he thought it would be a good idea or not.

If it doesn't heal, I may just go to my doctor after trying the steroid cream and/or New-Skin. I don't really care about the scar. I just don't want an ever-lasting flap of skin on my hand.

Oh yeah, if you're going to cut your hand, I recommend you do it with a Kershaw Leek. The doctor said it was good the knife was extremely sharp and made a clean cut.
-Rob Riccardelli
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