Okay, so now that you've got firefox, the best extensions to get are:

- Adblock, which blocks ads and popups to a greater degree than what's already built into firefox.

- The filterset.g updater for adblock.

- Plain Old Favorites, which places your IE favorites menu onto Firefox's menu bar, so that you don't have to convert all of your IE favorites over.

The extensions above are pretty much install-and-forget items. There is one other extension that I don't want to live without, but you might not care about its features, and its features are pretty complicated and pretty powerful. It's called Tab Mix Plus, and it lets you have very fine granular control over the Firefox "tabbed browsing" feature, which is a huge wonderful fantastic thing for me. It might not be your cup of tea. But if you get used to tabbed browsing, and want to control some of the features, then Tab Mix Plus is the answer. The "Undo Close Tabs" feature is worth a fortune alone.
Tony Fabris