Okay, so now that you've got firefox, the best extensions to get are:

- Adblock, which blocks ads and popups to a greater degree than what's already built into firefox.

- The filterset.g updater for adblock.

- Plain Old Favorites, which places your IE favorites menu onto Firefox's menu bar, so that you don't have to convert all of your IE favorites over.

Y'know, I've been running the Google popup blocker for about a year now, and it seems to be doing an outstanding job. I almost never see popups. Your advice about getting FireFox was so good, however, that I'll certainly give Adblock a try.

My FireFox installation did a quite acceptable job of bringing my IE favorites over. A little tweaking to put them into appropriate folders and the order I wanted, and I am quite happy with them the way they are.

As always, your advice is appreciated.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"