I don't 'get' coffee. I tried it once and it was one of the most foul things I've ever put in my mouth.
Ummmm... yeah. What he said.
Well, it is an acquired taste, I will grant you that. But so is beer
Except for the trying it bit, my above post applies to beer as well.
I'm the same way. I've tried coffee and I've tried various types of alchohol. It simply never appealed to me. I dodn't avoid drinking on any philosophical grounds, I just hate the taste. Although in this country I tend to dislike what it does to people who can't control it. Redskins games have gotten progressively worse over the past several years.
Anyway, I like those fruit smoothie things they sell at Starbucks now. That's all I have when my girlfriend wants to go there to meet people. I really dislike their teas and hot chocolate, so I was happy they added a single product I could enjoy 
Oh, and Rob, have you tried buying grounds from Dunkin' Donuts? I bought some for my girlfriend when I gave her that coffee maker that people on the board suggested. She loves it.