Pet Peeve #2: I sent a sizeable donation to a charity in late December.
Then I got a letter from them in early January saying "We are having a big fund drive for January only. We noticed you gave us X in 2005. Why don't you mail us a check for X+20% RIGHT NOW for 2006."

Dammit! I just sent you a big check two weeks ago. Now you want me to immediately double it before your "Thank You" form letter even arrives!

That's what happens when you let automated processes generate your fundraising letters. You really tick off cranky people like me.

Same with soliciting me by phone.
If you're a reputable organization and not an "aluminum siding salesman" you'll send me a letter and let me check out your legitimacy at the BBB, your website, and various charity scam tracking sites. NOT call me on the telephone and try to strongarm me while I'm eating dinner, entertaining a lovely lady, busy with (attempting to play) guitar, or for that matter just staring at the Tivo.

Man, I love donating money to worthy causes. I just hate being called at home and bugged about it.

Just so I don't end my rant with whining, I want to give an example of the RIGHT way to handle your fundraising. After I donated some money (and a tiny amount at that) to an underfunded sports program at my alma mater, I received a personal letter from one of the athletes thanking me for my contribution.

That letter absolutely made my week! I was glad that I could help out in some small way, glad that somebody appreciated my help, and excited and hopeful to see the team do well in the coming year. And I'll feel happy to give them a little more next year. That's the RIGHT way to handle your fundraising.