On that wicked lasers site, they have a number of differently powered ones. Only the big honking ones are really dangerous. I imagine that the green ones could be eye-safe at the right powers. It's just that red is hard to see in daylight whereas green is not.
Sorry, there is no such thing as an eye safe laser. Even the red sub 5mw units sold will cause damage if viewed for a short time.
I had the misfortune of flashing my self without intending to once. I was swinging it (a sub 5mw red pointer) around the room and happened to catch a reflection directly back to the eye. It was only for the briefest instant as the beam crossed my eye. Fortunatly no measurable damage ensued.
I don't know how many here, are old enough to have been exposed to the Jimmy Olson flash bulbs that were still common in the 60's. One of those puppies would leave spots in your eyes for several minuets. That laser flash I gave myself was like that! When they talk about class 3b lasers being eye safe, it's a all relative.
BTW: millewatts are millewatts, dosen't matter what color the light is.