The command that it's erroring on seems to be just trying to create the static image.
Hmm. Googling on that error message shows me a page that the DIKO guy fixed that bug in DVDStyler. Maybe use the DVDStyler that's included with DIKO 2.22 or later?
More research says that it's because the input image is the wrong resolution. See if you can change it from whatever it is (720x486?) to 720x480.
I foudn the same info you did. I resized my picture, no luck. I used the included images, no luck. I tried running the DIKOized DVDStyler, no good. It's got stuff hacked out of it, like the "open" option. 
Trying DVDLab now but I don't seem to be having much luck with that right now either.
12 days to go for the due date... time is running short! 
12 gig empeg Mark II, SN: 080000101
30 gig RioCar SN: 30103114
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