Hey All,
I'm Jon's friend, Paul. The guy with KVM madness. After a short discussion, we thought it would be good of me to login and introduce myself. So here goes... My name is Paul but my friends call me, well, um, "Paul". I'm a Capricorn and enjoy rainbows and unicorns. I also, according to my wife, work best with a cluttered work space with countless devices laying about the desktop in various states of operation. Seems to keep me focused and out of trouble. Except of course when they don't behave in an expected manner, to which end I spend more time and money.
You have all made great suggestions and have given me a few more options to explore before I go out and just buy an effing 3rd monitor to hang on the wall. I have a similar work station in the corporate office with access to another (more expensive) KVM where I will likely continue these efforts.
I'll keep you posted.
Thanks again!