Well, I couldn't figure a way to keep the stock double-DIN unit and still make way for the Empeg. The spot occupied by the ashtray didn't look big enough and it's right behind the shift level. SO... the plan is to rip out the stock radio/CD (I wish it were an option so I could delete it, but not so) and install a single-DIN radio/CD with the Empeg sled. I have an old Kenwood 601 on hand that I may use if I can get the Empeg to feed the Kenwood AUX using their $20 adapter; if not I may get the Kenwood 715S. For the car, the sanest option seems to be to feed the (not always there) Empeg into the AUX of the (always there) Kenwood. To add a subwoofer, I may just add one 2+1 channel amp in the trunk for rear/subwoofer -- let the Kenwood amp feed the front speakers. In this situation, there's no Sony XA39 switcher as the Kenwood would be the unit that turns on the amp in the trunk.

With the 715S, I could have the Empeg on AUX with the adapter and even still use my Kenwood 10-CD changer on the other input. Don't know *why* I'd do this, but I could!

On the boat, I already have a 4+1 amp, so I am going to use the Sony switch to auto-switch between the Empeg and an existing Kenwood FM/cassette. I was going to ditch the Kenwood in favor of the Empeg tuner module, but then I thought it might be nice to have an Empeg-independent radio hooked up anyway (and I wanted to finish the install and couldn't know exactly when the tuner module would arrive...so...).

The WRX *will* be a hoot. Acknowledged turbo lag and less-than-Mercedes interior finish, but 227 HP, phenom handling, and possible 27 highway MPG. I was going to get a Wolfsburg Jetta 1.8T (and had a hard time straying from my VW/Audi loyalty), but one drive in the WRX was all it took. Once the Miata effect cools down, you should be able to find one to test drive. I know it will smoke the Celica, and not the worst form of transportation for a trip across Snoqualmie Pass during a snowstorm.



'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.