Hi all,

It's been a while since I've been on the boards. I just don't seem to have time these days.

As usual, I come back when I need help. After 5 1/2 yrs faithful service my 20GB drive has recently started to play up on my Mk2 so I thought it was about time I treated myself to a new drive ... or 2. I've ended up getting 2 80GB Hitachi Travelstars.

I've run the builder and the player upgrade for developer 2.01 and got the usual failures so now I'm trying the manual format detailed on different planet.

My question is this: The instructions assume the drive being formatted is the secondary one. I'm planning on doing each drive separately. I copied and pasted the mke2fs command but it complained no such file or directory on hdc so I thought, if this is the primary then I'll swap hdc for hda and try that, which worked. I did the same for the mkswap and the dd commands but now I come onto the mount against drive1. Again, I'm thinking I change that for drive0 but then I thought - I'm going to do the same on the next drive so am I doing the right thing or have I completely missed something somewhere?

Hoping this hasn't been detailed previously and I just haven't been unable to find it.

2x80GB Mk II with Illuminated buttons