FID syncing? What's involved in that?

On the player, your music files are stored with cryptic, numeric filenames. The numbers start at 100 hex, and simply go up by 10 hex each time, which means that the two players will have used the same set of numbers.

FID syncing refers to a way in which you could renumber the files on the second disk, so that there was no overlap. This way, emplode would recognise the extra files as orphaned items and playlists.

To fix these orphaned playlists, you'd simply attach the old root playlist somewhere in another playlist, and away you go.

I imagined I could drop in the drive as a slave, emplode would see the junk on there, and I could start deleting.

If you don't renumber the files on the second disk, the player and emplode will get confused, and you probably won't be able to delete the correct music files.

Ah- I think I'll go with this route: ...

That'll certainly work.
-- roger