Thank you, Tony, as ever, for the quick response. I still marvel at how you do that.
Anyway, all done now. Probably more by luck than anything else.
The sequence in a nutshell:
I put the first drive in, loaded the builder, loaded 2.01 final developer and then formatted drive1 as detailed on the different planet web site.
This got me 74.4GB showing in emplode.
Then I removed the drive and did the same with the 2nd new drive, formatting drive0.
Then I connected my old 20GB, and loaded up emplode. This showed 91.5GB.
Copying across all my old tunes took a few hours but the copying of the config seemed to fail - probably due to the drive errors I'd already been getting. Not a problem as I'd already copied the config.ini using emplode.
I removed the old drive and checked the player. This showed 58.2GB free out of 74.4GB.
Finally, I added my new 2nd drive and now I have 133GB showing out of 149GB. That should do me for a while.

Now all I need is to get emphatic and a new boot logo on there and start loading up some tunes. That's a job for tomorrow.
Thanks to the wonderful guides that are available from riocar and different planet.