Ahhhh, okay. So what you're saying is that you can only pause and rewind programs you've recorded with Replay AV? Cool.
And thanks for posting about this. It's a very strange coincidence. My fiancee was just complaining on Saturday night that she loves Car Talk, but it's only available via streaming audio on NPR's site. This would be a great tool. I may try it out myself. Last summer I recorded, with much difficulty, the NPR broadcast of the Shins/White Stripes show I went to see. The process of capturing it in Cool Edit Pro was a bit of a pain.
Another question [you may have answered this in the review - I forget and I'm tired and going to bed right after this]: How does the program deal with volume levels? Since it's recorded digitally, I assume there's little you can do about it during recording... but we know what assuming does