Generally, in UK, if you have a serious A&E problem then you will get everything you need with no comprimise. The ambulance services in general are pretty good, I live a 30 minute normal drive from several large hospitals and the turnout times for a 999 call are between 15-20 minutes, 40 on a bad day and if they know it's not live and death problem (my dad is a First Responder and generally one of those will be there in 5 minutes, but those schemes are quite rare).

Also, very minor problems that can be sorted with one or two doctor's visits are no problem, although most surgeries have a 2-4 day waiting list.

The problem seems to be chronic or degenerative problems which need lots of time and somebody interested in fixing the problem rather than fobbing off the patient to either get their workload done or save money.

For example my gran has been in excellent health for 92 years but had a back problem after weeding the garden a few months back, she spent 9 weeks in hospital and I don't think anybody is clear about what is the problem, and seem reluntant to refer her to somewhere/body with more experience. Luckily a second epidural has solved the bulk of the pain, but she is on 15+ pills a day at the moment.
