1) Forgot the important thing: Commiserations, it really pisses me off.
has to be Sony, any ideas ???
You will see from a recent thread of mine, that I'm never buying another Sony product in my life, having bought little else for nearly 40 years! If you must, they've just brought out an HU with, I think, a couple of gigs in the removable fascia: "C'est tres interessant, may c'est ne pas le Empeg!
3)I'd driven 700 miles in my new Volkswagen when it had a puncture in Scott Hall Road (the iffy end), first I knew: no spare, not even low profile, just a bottle of gung. Being unable to operate it (it later transpired that a vital bit was missing) I called the AA, who said that it wouldn't have been any use for the gash I had and anyway, they're not allowed to use them. He took me off to the nearest tyre place for a new tyre, and the guy there said, if I had have used it they would have to sell me a new tyre, as they can't repair them once the gung has been put in.
If this is the case, why do the manufacturers supply them, why not design the car better to fit a spare?

Sorry to hijack your thread, I hope the mini meet will take your mind off all the frustration!
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag