The police have been and gone, they did point out how they got in. There are 2 small holes in the door seal (Smart has no metal around the top of the window glass) where they had fed some wires and popped the door, not much I can do to protect againt that in the future

I went down to the Smart dealer, who gave me all the boxes of locking wheel nuts they have, first one I tried worked

so I swapped them for another set with a different pattern. The down side it it has cost me £70 to replace all the bits and pieces they nicked

I rang my insurance, it's not worth me claiming. They will only offer a naff CD/Tuner replacement headunit, not of my choice! and then I will loose out on next years renewal, as my protected no claims doesn't cover me for the claim just the discount on the said premium (hope that makes sence).
Over all I am pretty pissed off, I've been robbed, paid money for insurance I can't afford to use, and pay taxes to men in uniform who can do nothing about it.
On the head unit front, I have now widened my search to Kenwood (not keen) and Blaupunkt (no experience of) and opinions???