Excellent! I'm glad you started this thread, Bruno. I'm a big TV watcher, probably more than I should be. Here's what I'm recording this season, in no order other than my memory:

Lost - naturally
The Simpsons - I almost feel obligated at this point, but there are still some laughs
Bones - one of my "have to watch it because it has a Buffy star in it" (well, technically two, but Hodgins was only in something like two Angel episodes)
Jericho - If it does turn out to be about post-terrorist attacks on the US, I don't think I'll be all that interested.
Dexter - creepy serial killer show staring the gay brother from Six Feet Under (can't remember the character's name - Michael?). It has this odd tone of a USA show with a much more disturbing premise. It's sort of like "Monk goes on a killing spree" kind of thing. *edit* I should note that this one hasn't aired yet. I saw a sneek preview on the Showtime website.
Heroes - I wasn't all that impressed, but pilots are rarely great. Unbreakable was all about the first act of a superhero movie, and this first episode is sort of picking up halfway through that first act, then it looks like the second episode starts the second act. I thought the Japanese kid was pretty sure of his powers considering he hadn't really done anything yet. And why can't the cheerleader do those things she listed to her friend? Did she plan on cutting/burning/bludgeoning herself at the prom? Anyway, I'll keep watching despite the fact that it feels like a 4400 ripoff, especially after that unnecessary prologue at the beginning. Fortunately I forgot about that with the first Ali Larter scene...
House - have watched and am watching for Hugh Laurie. The rest of the show is a little below average, IMO.
American Dad - don't know why, but it sometimes makes me laugh. I generally work on the computer while watching it.
Family Guy - it's had some lulls in the humor this season already. I hope it's not indicative of a trend.
Veronica Mars - love it.
ER - the premiere was intense. [**SPOILER** if you didn't see the premiere] Spoiler:
V'z tynq gurl qvqa'g xvyy Wreel.
My Name is Earl - probably my favorite comedy/new show last season. I felt this year's premiere was a little off, though.
Mythbusters - great show, as we've established. I loved the breaking of the fingerprint/biometric lock (looks like that's not the way to protect from bump keying).
Weeds - absolutely hilarious, and the episodes just seem to fly by. I still think Kevin Nealon is the funniest person on the show.
Numb3rs - not sure why I like this one. I like David Krumholtz as an actor.
*edit* Eureka - haven't seen this yet, but I'm curious
Supernatural - I was very surprised by this last season. I had zero expectations for a WB show staring two pretty boys from other WB shows and executive produced by a guy named McG who's claim to fame was producing the Charlie's Angels remakes. I was very pleased, though. I felt it was genuinely scary for a network TV show, and is probably the best successor to the X-Files. I also loved the washed-out look it had, and the general gritty, backwoods feel. I can't wait for it to start up again.

Shows that are sort of from this season:
Psych - I thought it was funny. Dule Hill is not a good actor, but the chemistry is pretty good between him and the lead.
The Dead Zone
The 4400

It ticks me off that USA tried this two season a year thing. They started these shows in the summer, ran them for 9-12 episodes, and they're waiting for January to start them up again. I guess they're trying to be the "off-season" network. Anyway, I'll stop before I go into a general rant about how the big networks air their shows (I'll leave it at: Lost should be aired continuously with no breaks).

So that's my list. I look at it all laid out, and I realize that I'm spending waaaay too much time watching TV.

ps-thank goodness I copied and pasted this one while I was working on it. I got that form error...

Edited by drakino (26/09/2006 13:25)