I was pushing a few more albums onto my empeg a couple of nights ago (At some point I'll have to buckle down and install the maxfid patch that everyone is swooning over) and was mindlessly regarding my old, hodge-podge PC and assorted other accessories with disdain, although I shouldn't. It works well together and I shouldn't be worrying about upgrades- I spend waaay too much time dreaming over the Fry's Electronics ads. At one point (in a precient flash of practicality) I thought that just about the only component that was lacking for my system would be some form of power outage protection.
On cue, <BLINK> went the lights.
Horror! Had the tracks finished writing to the empeg? Yes- they had. The empeg was busily rebuilding the database just before the outage. It seemed to weather the power glitch and continue the database rebuild. As soon as I got my PC awake again and the empeg had finished the work and gone to sleep, I started Emplode- which then did a complete media check. In all, it took a couple of hours to recover but there was nothing lost and the systems handled everything automatically.

Quick! Back to the Fry's ads...
I recall a number of months ago someone posted up about the issues they were having with their UPS- some sort of alarm that wouldn't shut up or something. I did some meager searching of the BBS, but couldn't find what I wanted.
Anyway, what I really want is to solve this weakness in my computing system.
So- toward that end I respectfully request some opinions regarding my options for this weekend's purchase plan.

Here we have three UPSs on sale at Fry's this weekend:
APC 325VA $19 (after rebate)
APC 500VA $49 (no rebate)
Conex 950VA $59 (after rebate)

The system consists of:
1. HP desktop PC and 21" CRT
2. NAS homebrew
3. Netgear router
4. Cable Modem
5. empeg (powered via standard AC->DC 'wall wart')
I'm not worried about powering the amp and speakers that I run sound through and I realize that the cable modem and the router may not be *required* to be protected against power glitches.
Anyone know how a transformer like the empeg's 'wall wart' will like life (for a few moments) on a UPS?
Anyone wish to say a few words about any of the above purchase options?

edit: another result of the power outage was to reset my status as 'logged in' to the BBS.
For the last couple of days I couldn't understand why new posts weren't highlighted for me! DUH!

Edited by Robotic (30/09/2006 17:52)
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)