Thanks, Drakino and Bitt!

I'm mainly concerned that 'little blips' on the grid are smoothed over. Of course, there's no way of knowing that a little blip isn't going to turn into a bigger one... exept to wait. No, I don't want to power the system in full-function mode if the power goes down entirely.

I can see that the big CRT is a power suck. If I dis-include it from the UPS protection, I'm assuming the PC won't care (and cause other burps that might hinder a UPS signalled shut down).
The UPS 'shut down' option looks very handy for the PC.
The homebrew NAS is a linux box. I'm not sure that the UPS shut down software will be useful at all in that case, but the box is pretty hardy and doesn't seem to mind abuse (so far as I can tell).
Thanks for the warning about Conext. Perhaps I should buy two cheap UPSs and split up the protection.

If I go for a 'minimum' setup, I know I'm still not protected for long-term outages, but the most worrisome event I can imagine now is if the PC/NAS/Router/empeg link is disturbed during file transfer. It seems that for less than $100 I can protect myself against little glitches like the one I had Thursday night.

I'll rig up a tester and see how much my components are pulling during 'normal' operation. I'm assuming that's less than the output wattage of the various power supplies.

No votes against APC products?
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)