and one HDHomeRun HD (dual ATSC) networked tuner. Cool device, that second one.

Indeed! I'm a little confused, though. You need to change channels on the device its self? If so, how do you watch TV "from all computers on your home network." If not, then why is there an IR port? I know I'm confused and missing something. I've very tired today for some reason...

It has some kind of internal CPU to control the two tuners. Your computer just sends it commands to select the channels and sub-channels as needed. The latest Myth stuff knows how to do this already.

The IR receiver puzzled me a bit too -- it turns out it's just a simple consumer IR receiver, and whatever it sees is relayed out over the network. Your computer can then listen for IR packets and respond to them. Thus, a normal universal TV remote (or an Empeg remote) could be used with it.

I think they included it because (1) everybody needs one, and (2) most PC's don't have them built in. Still weird though.


Edited by mlord (02/11/2006 16:13)