I have the EyeTV hybrid now on my Mini, and it is working, though I've had some issues.

1. Enabling digital audio out in EyeTV caused the Mac to kernel panic over time, sometimes seconds after starting, others after several minutes. I disabled it for now, as I don't have a 5.1 setup anyway.

2. The EPG setup was a pain. The site enjoyed mashing Austin, Dallas, and Houston stations all together. Then in the EyeTV program, it showed nothing on the EPG until I manually mapped every channel to the guide. So digital channel 18-1 to channel 18-1 in the guide data and so on.

3. Stability. I've been using it more this week, and have had it hang after trying to record, or not output audio on a channel until a full reboot. So far is has always recorded what I wanted, but the hang when it tries to transcode it to h.264 is something I hope isn't common.

4. Apple remote integration. It only works if EyeTV is the front program, and if it somehow isn't, you have to drag out a mouse to bring it back. I'll probably load up Bruno's program again, now that I need to use the remote more outside Front Row.

Also, be prepared to have tons of storage handy. Since it records the normal MPEG2 HD stream, an hour show is around 6 gigs, and can fill up the laptop drive in the mini quickly. I'm experimenting with letting it record to the network storage, and so far that seems ok, but I may get a firewire drive instead.