When I first started coding for the empeg, I did it to experiment. It was pretty cool to have a webserver and LDAP-server on your car-stereo. ( I know, I am a geek ). I also started with displayserver for own use. The main use of displayserver was to have access to the display of the empeg, when it was connected at another location. I shared with other same-minded users and started making modifications. Before the takeover there were less than 50 users running it, so the concept of shareware didn't cross my mind. Another reason why it isn't shareware, is my ability to support the product. I am still reading this BBS regularly, but am also very busy with other stuff : I've got a busy job which doesn't always end at five o'clock, I've got two little children, which I don't want to give less attention and a wife, who also needs regular maintenance. Then there is the time spent in bars with friends, the periodic family-visits, driving around with the empeg at very load volumes, etc, etc.
Most of the time left is spent on computing, which is displayserver programming, some LDAP-programming on delphi, USB-over-IP on delphi/empeg, administer my hardware at home, experimenting with plan9/inferno and numerous other things.
Any time left is spent sleeping...
On the other hand, now that empeg is bought by Sonicblue, there will be an enormous userbase soon, which could generate a nice $$ from registration fees. Hmm, time to think about it...
I guess when the empeg really gets widely sold, the empeg/sonicblue guys will provide their own software with similar functionality...

Frank van Gestel
Frank van Gestel