After more looking about, it appears that my post above is incorrect. For some reason I didn't bother to take notice when MySQL changed their libraries to the GPL from the LGPL in 2001 to try to force more vendors to buy the commercial version.

Well, if that's actually the case, then you can redistribute code that uses it, so long as you do so in a relinkable form. Source is not necessary, just re-linkable object files.


I don't know about that bit of history but in version 4.1 (iirc - I've read so much stuff over the past few days!) they switched the client libraries from LGPL to GPL, this is where the problem starts and things get fuzzy

OK, I don't know anything about this stuff, but I will pose the following question anyway.

If the switch to 4.1 in 2001 is the issue, why not just ship it with a much older version of MySQL ?

It sounds like the functionality you need is so basic that version 0.1 of the program probably supported it.
Then if people happen to already have a more modern version installed, they can just use that instead.