Most of the people in that thread seem to be suffering from older firmware (the current is 2.76, and is rock solid for many), and simply from the fact that D-Link gear (every single piece of it I've ever owned) tends to overheat and then lock-up. Regardless of firmware.

If one reads betwix the lines from that thread, some of the lock-ups were triggered by torrent streaming, which would warm up the innards a fair bit. But also, near the end, one can discover that most lockups were probably due to the internal log filling up (out of memory error/crash), and the solution for that is to just turn off the internal logging (click, click, done.). Pretty solid with the newest 2.76 DI-624 firmware.

I found that the DI-524 (latest firmware, even) has issues with "WPA2-Auto" -- it uses a half and half combo of TKIP and CCMP(AES) in that mode, which confuses my D-Link DWL-G730AP unit. But the 624 2.76 firmware has full/proper WPA2 support (pure CCMP/AES), and everything around here seems to work well with it.

But hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, eh!


PS: My solution for heat management: stand it on edge with some space underneath.

Edited by mlord (06/11/2006 02:12)