I have v6.1.4.7 running. The firewall is turned off in the toolbox menu, but a new section appeared "Intrusion Detection" with the 6.1 update (although the previous firmware was pretty old) which as yet I don't seem to be able to turn off, seems to do the trick, it lists several things it blocks some of which it has counts against.

If anyone is interested, I have found DSL Depot a good place to get stuff from, it's all refurb stock, the proces are low but everything I have ever had from them has need perfect, but in slightly damaged boxes.

I really feel like I lucked out with this router, I went for it as I figured it would have the Alcatel chipset in it, and my DSLAM card is also Alcatel, I get an extra 1Mbps over the 2wire router I used before. I also find it's rock solid, I never loose sync and my line is a little less than perfect, I really must get around to sorting that out one of these days, I think I have a split pair

Edit - Not sure what you mean about the BT firmware? I downloaded mine from speedtouch.co.uk the only custom firmware BT release these days is for their own routers, and BTW avoid the BT HomeHub (shudder!) if you can.



Edited by Cris (07/11/2006 21:38)