We have twisted pair wiring from the C.O. to the house, but it was all installed about 45 years ago, and has lower twist counts than modern stuff.
Plus, the wire from the post to the house is simple flat (untwisted) cable for abou 10m.
We are about 5.8 (?? forgot, sorry) Km from the C.O. The current technology here is generally good up to about 5KM, after which the attenuation on the cable exceeds 60dB and line noise becomes a huge factor.
Current service here is 2.5mb/sec down, with 0.64 mb/sec up. The modem will actually sync at 3.5/0.9 just fine, but line noise then causes frequent resyncs, so the ISP had the telco dial it back a few notches.
My current line profile is attached.
290285-dmt.png (170 downloads)