I'm not so sure that the vibez is the best response to his question. It's in a completely different category than the two players he mentions, and I'm a firm believer in buying gadgets that fit your uses. So really, it comes down to how you're going to use the MP3 player you're going to get (ie: you can't go running with the Zen W, and the Vibez wouldn't be great for a long vacation away from a computer to load it up with more songs).

To be honest, I don't know what I'd choose. I recently bought the Archos 604 WiFi, and I think it's a neat little device, but it's still not the ideal gadget and has some problems that just get on my nerves. I think Apple makes some well-built devices, but their philosophies just kill me. I want mass storage, I don't want soup modes, I don't want DRM, etc. I also want a bigger screen than what's on the iPod right now. Maybe we'll see that device sometime next year.

The Creative is pretty good. I'd say it's on par with the Archos, but it bugs me that neither of them went with larger 1.8" drives. Yeah, the devices would have been thicker (like a milimeter or two), but that wasn't worth the 50GB they could gain with the 80GB double-platter 1.8" drives?

I just know that sometime next year, Apple will release their 6th-gen iPod, and I'll probably break down and buy one, cursing it the entire time I own it.