Sounds cool. I'll have to try it. If I might make a suggestion, don't ever use wax paper again for anything. Ever. Parchment paper is 10000x better at everything. Yes, it's a bit more expensive, but so very worth it. I make a lot of pralines, especially for the holidays, and I used to use wax paper. Half the time the pralines would stick to the paper and the other times they would just never really harden.

If anyone is interested, I'll post the recipe. Good pecan pralines are tough to beat. They just take a little practice to master.

Oh, and parchment paper is just as non-stick as wax paper, without having wax all over whatever food you are preparing.

EDIT: After re-reading your post, you're just using wax paper to maneuver the dough, aren't you? If the wax paper never gets hot, it's just fine.

Edited by lectric (11/12/2006 01:42)