My post wasn't any anti-Microsoft rant or anything like that.

I didn't take it as such, no worries.

I guess i miss the bling of something new. To borrow a worn out phrase, it seems more evolutionary than revolutionary and as the OS "matures", perhaps approaching stagnation.

It's a funny conflict: On the one hand, they put a huge amount of work behind Windows 2000 and Windows XP, making them the best OSes they possibly could, thus making them useful upgrades that were widely adopted. They sold a lot of them, made a lot of money and solidified market share. But what seemed good then is biting them now. Now they're competing with their own prior versions.

It'd be nice if Vista were so bling that you "just gotta have it". But if that were the case, then XP would have had to kinda suck. And nobody likes a company that deliberately makes sucky products just because they want to sell the next upgrade...
Tony Fabris