There are many improved things about its user interface I like a lot. Its improved Start menu is the first new version of the Start menu that I like better than the classic one from Win95. I've now gotten very used to pressing Ctrl-Esc and typing the name of the program I'm looking for. I now miss this feature on my home PC.

I like that part as well, since I use Quicksilver on the Mac a lot to launch programs. I wanted this functionality on my XP dev box at work, and found Launchy.

Of course, I'm not getting much use out of the Vista start menu. I currently do have it installed on my Mac on the Windows partition, but only for some quick checking of the game on Vista. Once I'm done with that later this week, dd is being run to put back my XP install. I had considered keeping Vista on here, but much like my Dell laptop, this machine doesn't go to sleep properly under Vista. XP sleep works fine, so how Vista managed to break this, I'm not sure.