I converted one of my players to run entirely from CF cards for no particular reason. The inspiration came from
this device. I would love to use 4 SD cards in a laptop hard disk form factor, but $260 per device without cards is quite steep. I eventually found
these CF to IDE converters. These were perfect since they're 44-pin IDE and they have jumperable master/slave settings. It would appear that the mounting holes would line up with a standard laptop IDE drive, but they don't. Pics below...

empeg drive tray modified for CF adapters.

CF to IDE adapters mounted. The adapters didn't ground-out on the drive tray, but it was very close. Electrical tape was placed on the drive tray as a precaution.

Drive tray mounted back in empeg with dual 8GB CF cards. I will upgrade to 16GB cards and beyond as the prices come down.

8+8GB of fury!