Usually, Office programs give you the option when saving to save in the older format. This may require selecting the "Save As" option instead of just "Save", though. I also don't know for a fact that Office07 retains this feature.

It does, and it seems like this would be the easiest solution if the professor wants a PowerPoint 2003 file. Microsoft didn't throw backwards compatibility out with 2007, just as they haven't for 2003, XP, 2000, and the older Offices.

As far as the general discussion here, I don't think the professor is being a prick about it. He has a method that works for likely a big majority of his students, why does he have to change just for one or two people? Yes, it's a slight pain for the student to have to go to File, Save As and make sure it's compatible, but anyone upgrading to new software has this issue in any environment.

I don't have any tools that can mark up a pdf file, and don't know of any.

Acrobat Reader (free from Adobe), FoxIt Reader (Free version), Preview.app in OS X.