Ah, so the new version with the XML format has a "pptx" extension, whereas old PowerPoint saves as "ppt".
That explains a lot. The professor had Office pre-'07 installed. Your sister-in-law sent him a pptx file. Professor double-clicks on file. Windows pops up and says "I don't know what this file is". Professor is ignorant or lazy enough to not bother trying to open PowerPoint and selecting "File->Open". Professor gives up and says "it's not compatible".
This is actually a pretty typical example of two people unfamiliar with computers trying to do something vaguely complicated with computers.
Actually, when you open the file, you get the attached message. I just think it's a professor who is extremely lazy and didn't want to do any extra work. It's easy to say "hey student, if you want the grade, you make it where I don't have to do anything extra."
If you click yes, it takes you right to the download page for the fileformat executable.
297979-Compatmsg.jpg (156 downloads)
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi