Greetings! I'm sorry, but I still have a few questions. First, some updates on my others:

1) Still looking for a place. It's tough to simply find a room that can be rented out all night. That's all we need, just a room that fits seven people and can be booked for the whole evening (and obviously has electricity and bathroom facilities somewhere).

2) I tried Perfect Table Planner. It's good, and my father bought it for me because his business might use it in the future (I was hesitant to fork over even the small fee for just a one-time use).

3) None of the floorplan programs I've tried are good. They are all nightmares when it comes to ease of use. The only one I've been able to tolerate so far has been ConceptDraw 7, but it's still incredibly frustrating. I'm also just using a demo version, because the full version is $400.

Now for my new questions:

4) Does anyone have any creative ideas for dining room furniture? After mapping out where furniture would go, I've ended up with not a lot of room for a table and chairs. The goal is to be able to seat eight people for Thanksgiving next year, but I don't think we could even fit a six person table that took a leaf. I'm looking for some creative tables first, and then possibly some attractive stacking chairs second. I found a good option for a table here, so we're considering that. I thought I'd check here for a second opinion one what to look for an where.

5) Does anyone know of some cool things to do in the Amalfi area of Italy? That's where the honeymoon is (that and Lake Como). We're planning on going to Capri and the blue grotto (and churches, etc), Herculaneum, and maybe Pompei. Any other ideas? Oh, and my fiancee is already frothing at the mouth over the lemons of the area. She's a lemon-aholic (she'll grab a bottle of lemon juice at the store and drink it straight).