Ok, getting ready to try v3 again. I

I understand I need to install the developer build so that I can rebuild the database via the serial port. Fine so far. One question though, I assume that if I connect with Jemplode and change the playlists, add some MP3's, remove some MP3's, etc...will I need to manual rebuild the DB every time or is the database somehow writable when doing a sync operation?

Is Jemplode or Emplode prefable for working with V3 in general?

'm mainly interested in the possibility that the sound quality may be improved, not that its bad now or anything. I've always felt the D/A on my Empeg does not sound quite as good as when I play the same MP3 on my PC(using same speakers). I felt a need to boost a bit the mid-bass and upper-mid. Might be that some of the top end is also a bit filtered. (I encode all my MP3's with lame -k).

Anyway, perhaps its the decoder in Empegv2, so its worth a try on v3. Wish me luck.