Ok, not a happy camp here. Ever since trying out v3, realizing it was too buggy and wasting my time just to try syncronize the darn thing..I went back v2.01 and now i can't syncronize from here either.

Someone please tell me how I can cleanly an directly with hyperterminal remove all DB and MP3 files related to both the v2 and v3 attempts to start clean.

I am trying to use firmware 2.01 and emplode 2.01. I first removed all my tracks from the HD (I hope), emplode showed me complete space available and no tracks (the v3 DB is probably still lurking in there though). When I try to add one directory of MP3's from my PC, it syncs, everything works fine. I say ok, so then I try to add all of my MP3 dirs...about 80GB's worth, I go to sync. It gets maybe 10 minutes into it and then the Empeg sponanteously restarts, the Emplode dialog has a tons of warnings and the empg is left in a state with a lot of empty playlists and not fully syncronized.

Whatever occurred while I was trying out v3 firmware has totally messed up my empeg where I can't seem to get it resyncronized again. Someone please help.\