WinHelp has security problems? For God's sake, it's a f'n text viewer.

WinHelp has had massive security problems. They stem from the fact that it uses the IE rendering engine for its HTML based help files.

It first used the IE rendering engine in more innocent times, which left it wide open to all sorts of security holes. They have patched it and patched it but they still find new problems.

One of the recent patches involved stopping users opening random HTML help files without first setting a property on the file in explorer. If you copy an HTML help file from a file share to your local machine now it won't display the contents until you have jumped through some hoops to tell Windows to allow you to open that HTML help file.

Fun eh ?

Edit: And it isn't just a text viewer, it is a hypertext viewer with support for scripting, ActiveX controls etc

...and yes, it's a mess.

Edited by andy (28/06/2007 12:18)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday