WinHelp has had massive security problems. They stem from the fact that it uses the IE rendering engine for its HTML based help files.

Replacing the original Windows Help with the HTML stuff was one of the most arrogant and user-contemptuous things I've ever seen Microsoft do, which is saying something. The release notes at the time (1995? 96?) said something like "This isn't yet as good as the thing it replaces, but we've replaced it anyway because we can make it better later." Thanks, but I'd rather have waited until you had something as good as what you were replacing... the first version of HTML Help wasn't even capable of scrolling down a single page when you pressed Page Down -- it scrolled down a page-and-a-half, so you had to scroll up a bit again to hunt for the bit you were reading. I can't imagine what was going through the head of anyone who thought it was shippable in that condition.
