
60Hz transformers are quite expensive I think, at least I haven't seen any readily available,

I was suggesting using a cheap $24 inverter like this one http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4965458. That would get you 120V @ 60hz. You can use any 50HZ transformer, as long as the ratio is correct. e.g you could use a 220V:48V @50Hz transformer connected to the output of the 120V inverter. You would get 24V @ 60hz.


...I'm going to try it at 50Hz 25v AC and see how I go on.

Mount the filesystem RW before running the wallbox app. When the state machine fails, it dumps the 256 samples to a file called "badstate_7xx.bin" where the 700 number is the state that failed. Send me the bin file and I can see if it is an easy fix.

The format of the file is very simple. It's just 256 four byte words where the LSB is the state of the seeburg switch and the upper 31 bits are the accumulated count of system time ticks.
