HDNet (or Universal HD?) showed BSG in HD in the past, well after they were originally shown on SciFi. Like after the whole season was over.

I had UHD last year and they were a year behind on the BSG episodes. They looked great, just a year behind.

So no HD TV shows on iTunes, huh? That SUCKS. I was really hoping I would be able to do this legally. Most of the shows I watch are on network TV, but some (Mythbusters, BSG, some kids shows) are only on cable/sat. I would pay to get them individually, but only if they were in HD (well, maybe BSG in HD).

Is it just me, or are consumers getting screwed big time these past few years? The whole Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD thing has me waiting to buy either until one wins, Cable service sucks and the HD signals are compressed (same with Sat.) there is no Tivo option on Satellite and nothing seems to integrate very well together. Apple seems to be somewhat ahead of the curve, but DRM, no HD TV shows and no PVR option in their lineup doesn't help me.

I was paying $125 a MONTH for cable and internet access, including the DVR that was supplied by Comcast. They pissed me off so much that I cancelled the whole shebang and plunged myself into this mess just because I hated dealing with them so much. That's a lot of money a month - on par with a lot of my other utility bills. Sorry for the rant, I just can't believe that there isn't enough of a consumer market for good alternatives to Cable or Sat.
Mark Cushman